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Medical malpractice insurance for doctors in Texas

Get the best protection and benefits with TMLT 

Medical professional liability insurance, also known as medical malpractice insurance, provides coverage to health care professionals if a claim arises from their practice. These policies pay defense costs and generally cover claims for medical error or neglect, even if the claims are without merit.

Types of medical liability insurance

Claims made

Protects you during the current policy period, usually one year. If you do not renew your claims-made policy, you no longer have coverage for any claims that may be file in the future that are alleged to have occurred during the time your policy was in force. With a claims-made policy, you will need to purchase tail coverage.


Provides ongoing coverage for events that occur during the policy period, even if they are reported after the policy is cancelled. You do not need tail coverage with an occurrence policy.

claims made vs occurrence

How much insurance do you need?

Coverage limits

Limits of coverage spell out the maximum amount your policy will pay. With malpractice coverage, there are two limits. The first limit is the maximum per claim (known as “each claim”), while the second limit is the maximum paid during the policy period (known as “all claims”).

In general, insurance companies cannot tell you what limits to carry. But you can speak with colleagues who practice in your specialty and location to see what limits they carry. Your financial advisor or insurance agent may also recommend limits based on your financial situation.


Protection for a new era of medicine

Why choose TMLT?

To us, medical malpractice insurance means providing the best protection and support to physicians.

TMLT is not an insurance company, but a self-insured trust. We are led by a physician Board of Trustees who draw on their experience in medical practice to help guide operations.

We remain your advocate at the courthouse, at the statehouse, and in the aftermath of COVID-19. Let us protect and advocate for you and your practice.

With all TMLT policies you get

Customized risk management services

  • When physicians join TMLT, they gain a partner — a partner who shares their commitment to practicing safe medicine. We provide a customized approach and a team of risk management professionals to help mitigate risk. Our risk management services include CME courses, on-site practice reviews, and telephone and email consultations.

Cyber liability insurance

  • Coverage for data breaches and privacy liability actions, which protects your practice from major expenses, lawsuits, business interruptions, and regulatory fines and penalties.

Employment practices liability insurance

  • EPLI protects against employment-related claims such as harassment, wrongful termination, and discrimination.

Medefense (coverage for disciplinary actions)

  • Medefense covers legal expenses, fines, and penalties associated with disciplinary actions, such as actions by the Texas Medical Board, a hospital review committee, or a federal regulatory agency.

Medical director coverage

  • Medical director coverage protects physicians who are also serving in an administrative capacity as head of an organized medical staff.

Texas Medical Association membership

TMLT is the only medical professional liability insurance provider created and exclusively endorsed by Texas Medical Association (TMA).

To join TMLT, you must be a member of TMA or have a pending membership application to apply for coverage.

The Texas Medical Association, the nation’s largest state medical society, speaks out for more than 48,000 physician and medical student members across the state to improve the health of all Texans. In partnership with 110 county medical societies, TMA has been helping Texas physicians set high professional and ethical standards since 1853.

How to choose medical malpractice insurance carrier

If you’re a member of a group, or employed at a hospital, it’s important to ask questions and understand the details of the insurance policy provided to you. Download our guide to learn more about buying medical liability insurance and how to choose the right carrier.