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TMLT appointed agents
Browse our list of TMLT appointed agents, ready to help with expert advice and personalized support.
Archibald & Associates
Ken Archibald
510 Turtle Cove, Suite 102
Rockwall, TX 75087
800-460-4101, 102ken@archmedmal.comFax:
Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services
Donovan Weger
11550 Fuqua, Suite 205
Houston, TX 77034
800-634-9513, 424Donovan_Weger@AJG.comFax:
Bank of San Antonio Insurance Group
Katy Brooks
8000 IH-10 West, Suite 1100
San Antonio, TX 78230
(210) 807-5592katy.brooks@bosainsurance.comFax:
Bergfeld Agency
Brad Bergfeld
2001 S. Donnybrook
Tyler, TX 75701
(903) 592-7347brad@bergfeldagency.comFax:
Bill Sweet & Associates, LLC
Cheryl Sweet Westman
P.O. Box 8509
Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657
(210) 325-7269cheryl_westman@me.comFax:
CoVerica, Inc
Jim Patterson
5999 Summerside Drive, Suite 200
Dallas, TX 75252
Frost Insurance Agency
Dennis Northington
401 S. Congress, 14th Floor
Austin, Texas 78701
(210) 325-7269dnorthington@frostinsurance.comFax:
HealthSure Insurance Services, Inc.
Brant Couch
5900 Southwest Parkway, Building 2 Suite 200
Austin, TX 78735
(512) 292-3315brantc@healthsure.comFax:
Higginbotham & Associates, Inc.
Curtis Page
1221 S. Mopac Expressway, Suite 160
Austin, TX 78746
(512) 457-4013cpage@higginbotham.netFax:
The Hilb Group
Brian Dames
135 W. Adams Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63122
Holmes Murphy & Associates
Tommy Saxon
12712 Park Central Drive, Suite 100
Dallas, TX 75251
(214) 724-0081TSaxon@holmesmurphy.comFax:
JDM & Associates
John McCann
1963-A Village Green Way
Tallahassee, FL 32308
(866) 278-3384JMcCann@jdmandassoc.comFax:
Lockton Companies, LLC
Peggy Opp
444 W. 47th Street, Suite 900
Kansas City, MO 64112-1906
(800) 966-7731popp@lockton.comFax:
Medical Professional Liability Underwriting Solutions, LLC (MedPLUS)
Dennis Borne
PO Box 1305
Richmond, TX 77406
(713) 995-1842dennis@medplusllc.comFax:
Pinnacle Insurance Solutions, LLC
Linda Jacobson
4008 Louetta Rd, Suite 550
Spring, TX 77388
(281) 872-5000Fax:
Sanford & Tatum Insurance Agency
Diannah Tatum
5241 98th Street
Lubbock, TX 79424
(806) 792-5565tatumd@sanfordtatum.comFax:
Sheridan Insurance Group, LLC
Tim Sheridan
300 Beardsley Lane, Bldg. 3 Suite 201
Austin, TX 78746
(512) 419-7227tim@igaholdings.comFax:
Pamela Wilson
9800 Fredericksburg Rd
San Antonio, TX 78288
(210) 456-9531pamela.wilson@usaa.comFax:
USI Southwest
Jeffrey S. Levy
9811 Katy Freeway, Suite 500
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 490-4560jeff.levy@usi.comFax: