Risk Management Support
From consultations to practice reviews, our resources help you enhance safety and reduce risk.

The help you need from our risk management experts
Medical liability lawsuits are rarely the result of one error, but rather a cascade or system of factors that lead to multiple errors. Additionally, patients often cite interpersonal aspects of care, such as poor communication or feeling rushed, as central to their decision to initiate a lawsuit. Having an understanding of these factors may help you avoid litigation — or a medical board action — and enhance patient safety.
TMLT provides a comprehensive, customized approach to help you reduce risk.
Our risk management experts are here to help. Whether you have a quick question or need guidance on a more complex issue, we offer free and confidential consultations to TMLT policyholders.
- Phone Consultations: Call us at 800-580-8658 during business hours.
- Email Support: Reach out to us at rm_consult@tmlt.org for personalized advice.
We’re dedicated to providing the answers, resources, and peace of mind you need.
Practice Reviews
Our Risk Management Department conducts practice reviews to determine risk exposures in your practice. Reviews are free to all policyholders and can be completed without disrupting your patient appointments or business operations.
During a practice review, a TMLT risk management professional will:
- conduct a medical record review and practice evaluation;
- meet with physicians and staff to discuss findings;
- offer customized, specialty-specific recommendations.
Risk Management CME
TMLT offers a variety of continuing medical education (CME) courses designed to help policyholders meet licensing requirements while enhancing their practice’s risk management strategies. These courses are specifically designed to address key areas of risk in medical practice, with topics ranging from patient safety to legal and regulatory updates.
By completing these CME courses, physicians can gain valuable insights and strategies to reduce liability and improve patient care. TMLT’s CME offerings are available online, allowing you to earn credits at your convenience while staying informed about best practices in risk management.
A customized approach to risk management
Request a practice review and a member of our Risk Management Department will help you determine any risk exposures in your practice.
During a practice review, a TMLT risk management professional will:
- tour and assess the practice for patient safety concerns;
- review medical records for strengths and weaknesses;
- review policies and procedures;
- meet with physicians to discuss findings; and
- prepare a recommendation report.
Reviews are free to all policyholders and can be completed without disrupting your patient appointments or business operations.

TMLT policyholders who complete a practice review may earn a 5% premium discount after review recommendations are met. This discount continues through the current policy plus two full policy periods.
Due to the popularity of this service, practice reviews are scheduled approximately 90 days from the date of request.
Risk Management FAQs
How many hours of CME do I need per year for my Texas medical license?
According to IMB Rule 166.2, C Texas physicians are required to complete 48 hours of credit every 24 months. At least 24 credits must be from formal courses designated as AMA/PRA Category 1. At least two of the 24 formal credits must involve the study of medical ethics. The remaining 24 credits may comprise informal self-study, attendance at hospital lectures, grand rounds, or case conferences not approved for formal CME.
How much is the CME discount and when will it apply?
TMLT policyholders who complete a 2-hour risk management CME activity may be eligible for a 3% premium discount. The discount will be applied to your next eligible policy period. Two 2-hour courses can be taken per policy period for a maximum 6% discount. Multiple 1-hour courses cannot be combined for the discount.
What CME courses can I take to receive the CME discount?
We offer online CME courses and CME in Volume 4 of our publication, the Reporter. You can also attend one of our seminars or a seminar that we co-sponsor with the Texas Medical Association. View a complete listing of all IMLT CME courses.
How many TMLT CME courses can I take per policy period to be eligible for the CME discount?
TMLT policyholders can take two 2-hour courses per policy period for a maximum CME discount of 6%. The courses must be completed prior to your policy renewal date.
What if I take more than two TMLT CME courses? Can I carry them over to the next policy period for the risk management discount?
Yes. You can carry over up to two courses per year.
I am trying to complete an online CME course and it is asking for a user name and password.
If you have previously completed a TMLT online course and you do not have your user name and password, please go to our online CME login page. Click "sign in" in the upper right corner and click "I forgot my password." If you have not completed a TMLT online CME course, please go to our online CME login page and click "New User Registration — Individual." You will need to enter your TMLT policy number and your medical license number. Once you enter this information, you will receive a welcome email with a link to activate your account. Once activated, you may log in with the username and password you set up during registration. Detailed CME instructions, including how to create an account, access our online, discount-eligible CME courses, make payments, and download materials, are available here.
I completed a TMLT CME course and cannot find my certificate.
You can reprint a certificate from any online TMLT CME course by going to our online CME login page and clicking "My Courses" and selecting the course. Click the orange "Take Test/Get Certificate" button to print your certificate. See also detailed instructions for printing IMIT certificates.
If you attended a live seminar and need a copy of your certificate, please contact the risk management department and a copy of your certificate will be emailed to you.
I think I have taken all the online CME courses available. Can you check and see if there is something I have not taken?
Please contact the risk management department for a course transcript, or go to our online CME login page and click "My Courses" or log in to myPortal and click "See more" on the CME Overview pod to. view your TMLT CME credit for the last three years.
What happens during a practice review?
During a practice review, a risk management professional will visit your practice to help determine your risk exposures. Before the scheduled review date, questionnaires will be emailed to you. The representative will then review approximately 10 medical records for each physician in the practice. He/she will also review your practice's policy and procedure manual, take a quick tour of the office, and conclude the review with a wrap-up discussion with the physician(s).
How long will the practice review take?
The time for a review varies depending on the size of your practice. Plan on a representative being in the office for several hours. However, the majority of the representative's time will be spent reviewing medical records, and he/she will not require time from anyone in your office.
Does the physician have to be present during the practice review?
Physicians are encouraged to continue their regular schedule during the review. Once the risk management representative has completed the review, he/she will need to spend approximately 45 to 60 minutes with the physician(s) to discuss general risk management concerns and any specific recommendations. This meeting will be arranged when the practice review is scheduled.
Do I need to de-identify patient information in the medical records that will be reviewed during a practice review?
No. TMLT has a HIPAA business associate's agreement on file with all of our policyholders. This allows us to review the medical records under HIPAA guidelines. No patient information will be removed from the practice.
Can one physician in a group request a practice review if the other physicians do not wish to participate?
When a practice review is requested for a group, it is recommended that all TMLT-insured physicians agree to be included before scheduling the review.
Can a physician who is not a TMLT policyholder request a practice review?
Yes. Practice reviews are free to all TMLT policyholders. However, if a physician who is not insured by TMLT would like to request a practice review, that physician can contact the TMIT Risk Management Department for information regarding the fees for a review.
Can a hospital-based physician (hospitalist, radiologist, pathologist, anesthesiologist, emergency medicine physician) request a practice review?
Yes. TMLT can conduct practice reviews for physicians in all specialties and practice types.
How long will the practice review premium discount remain in effect?
Once the physician has adequately responded in writing to any recommendations made during the review, the 596 practice review discount is effective for the remainder of the current policy period plus an additional two full policy periods, as long as the physician is continuously insured with TMLT.
How long will it take before I hear from someone about scheduling the review?
Typically, risk management representatives are out of the office conducting practice reviews 2 to 3 days per week. Therefore, it may take up to 2 weeks for a representative to contact you and schedule the review.
Request a Practice Review
Please submit the form below to request a practice review.
Due to the popularity of this service, practice reviews are scheduled approximately 90 days from the date of request. Practice reviews are free to TMLT policyholders. See the Discounts page to learn about practice review discounts.