Medical Liability Insurance
Get more from your medical liability insurance

Types of Medical Liability Coverage
Explore our diverse coverage options designed to meet your needs. We provide peace of mind so you can focus on what matters most: your patients.
Claims-Made Policy
A claims-made policy protects you during the current policy period, usually one year. If you do not renew your claims-made policy, you do not have coverage for claims that may be filed in the future that are alleged to have occurred during the time your policy was in force.
If you wish to continue coverage under a claims-made policy, you must purchase supplemental coverage, such as tail coverage or prior acts coverage. If neither coverage is purchased when a claims-made policy expires, any future claims that might arise from services performed during the policy period will not be covered.
Available Limits
Claims-made policies are available with the following limits. Please note, limits in excess of $500,000 require special approval by the TMLT Underwriting Department.
Each claim / All claims
- $100,000 / $300,000
- $200,000 / $600,000
- $300,000 / $900,000
- $500,000 / $1 million
- $500,000 / $1.5 million
- $1 million / $3 million
Occurrence Policy
An occurrence policy provides ongoing insurance protection for events that occur during the policy period, even if they are reported after the policy is cancelled. Occurrence policies are generally more expensive, but it is not necessary to buy tail or prior acts coverage after an occurrence policy expires.
Available Limits
Occurrence policies are available with the following limits. Limits in excess of $500,000 require approval by the TMLT Underwriting Department.
Each Claim / All Claims
- $100,000 / $300,000
- $200,000 / $600,000
- $500,000 / $1 million
- $1 million / $3 million
Per Patient Policy
Coverage for groups based on number of patient visits
A per-patient policy refers to medical liability coverage designed for emergency medicine groups, urgent care, or other groups that are structured on a per encounter basis. Pricing is based on the number of patient visits rather than the number of physicians in the group. Coverage includes:
- legal expenses: $50,000 per claim / $100,000 per policy period;
- incurred but not reported (IBNR) coverage for physicians no longer with the group;
- coverage of allied health care professionals;
- different limits of liability options and structures available; and
- flexible policy form.
TMLT offers medical liability coverage for residents or fellows who work 30 hours or less per week outside their training program.
Once your training is complete, TMLT will waive the tail coverage cost if your Moonlighting policy is converted to a standard policy. Physicians in their first and second year of practice also receive discounted premiums — 40 percent the first year and 20 percent the second year.
Apply for Moonlighting coverage.
Supplemental coverage
Prior Acts
Coverage for incidents that occurred under a previous claims-made policy
Prior acts is another type of supplemental coverage, purchased from your new insurance carrier when you change carriers. Prior acts covers incidents that occurred under a previous claims-made policy that have not yet been reported. If new claims arise that occurred during the prior acts period, they are reported to your new carrier to be covered under the prior acts policy. (Prior acts is also known as "nose coverage.")
Tail Coverage
Purchased when your claim-made policy ends
A type of supplemental coverage, tail coverage is purchased when your claims-made policy is canceled or non-renewed. Tail coverage continues insurance protection under your claims-made policy for claims reported in the future that occurred when your policy was in force. Tail coverage can be expensive because it continues coverage into the future. (Tail coverage is also known as a reporting endorsement.)
- are 50 years of age or older;
- have been continuously insured with TMLT for 5 years or more; and
- cancel their policy due to complete retirement from the practice of medicine.
TMLT waives the tail premium if the physician dies or retires due to medical disability.
These come with your TMLT medical liability policy
Coverage for disciplinary or regulatory actions
Every TMLT policy includes Medefense. Medefense covers legal expenses, fines, and penalties associated with disciplinary actions, such as actions by the Texas Medical Board, a hospital review committee, or a federal regulatory agency.
Covered disciplinary proceedings include:
- actions by a state medical licensing authority;
- a professional review action regarding clinical privileges;
- a proceeding instituted by a state department of insurance, state workers’ compensation commission, state department of health and human services, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, or Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services alleging medical services were performed in violation of guidelines;
- Medicare billing audits conducted by Recovery Audit Contractors (RAC) or other private contractors as well as allegations of non-compliance with Medicare/Medicaid regulations or procedures;
- proceedings alleging violations of EMTALA, HIPAA, Stark law; and
- a tax practitioner's fees to assist a policyholder in an IRS audit of a federal tax return.
Available limits
$50,000 per claim/$100,000 per policy period.
An aggregate of $250,000 for all members of your group per policy period. This includes a maximum tax expense of $5,000 per policy period that provides for tax audit expenses, fines, or other penalties.
- There is a $1,000 deductible per insured event.
- This coverage also include a 60-day reporting period.
- Policyholders have free choice of counsel. However, we will waive the deductible and pay legal expenses directly if the policyholder hires an attorney from a panel provided by TMLT.
- Higher limits require approval by the TMLT Underwriting Department.
Higher limits are available
- $100,000/$100,000 per risk — $250
- $200,000/$200,000 per risk — $350
- $500,000/$500,000 per risk — $550
Tail coverage
Policyholders also have the option to purchase tail coverage for Medefense. This coverage allows for continuous reporting of Medefense claims that arise during the time a physician was insured with TMLT. This coverage is available only at time of cancellation.
Cyber Liability Coverage
Help for cyber incidents when you need it most
A cyber-attack can be financially devastating to medical practices — large or small.
Cyber insurance is included with all TMLT policies. It includes coverage for network security and privacy incidents.
Coverage includes
- Ransom payments incurred directly resulting from a ransom threat.
- Data and system recovery costs incurred directly resulting from a cyber event.
- Business interruption loss, including extra expense, incurred because of a business interruption directly resulting from a business interruption event.
- Reputation harm — Reputation loss incurred because of a reputation event directly resulting from a cyber event or extortion threat.
- Cyber event costs directly resulting from a cyber event.
- Proof of loss — Any reasonable and necessary costs for an expert to determine the amount and the extent of any covered business interruption loss, data and system recovery costs, extra expense, and reputation loss.
- Privacy and network security — Any damages and defense costs arising from a liability claim against an insured for any cyber event.
- Regulatory fines and penalties — Any fines, penalties, and defense costs arising from a regulatory claim against an insured for any cyber event.
- Cyber deception — Losses from fraudulent instruction, funds transfer fraud, and telephone fraud.
- Payment card — Any PCI payments, PCI investigation costs, and defense costs arising from a PCI claim against the insured for a PCI wrongful act resulting from a cyber event.
- Media — Any damages and defense costs arising from a liability claim against the insured for a media wrongful act.
Physician: $100,000 per claim / $100,000 per policy period
Entities: $100,000 per claim / $500,000 per policy period
Important information about your cyber policy
- There is a $2,500 deductible per insured event
- 60-day reporting period
- Please note: Legal defense costs are included in a policy’s aggregate limit of liability. In the case of a cyber claim, the aggregate limit of liability available to pay loss and the retentions shall be reduced and may be exhausted by the payment of defense costs. The insurer (AmTrust) shall not be liable for defense costs or the amount of any loss after the aggregate limit of liability has been exhausted.
Higher Limits
Enhanced Cyber Liability coverage is available through Barton Oaks Insurance Services, Inc., a TMLT affiliate, and is underwritten by AmTrust. The enhanced coverage provides greater protection against claims that may exceed your standard cyber liability policy limits.
Higher limits — up to $2 million (or higher) — are available for purchase. For more information on higher limits, please email and a representative of Barton Oaks Insurance Services will respond to discuss your options.
Employment practices liability insurance
Coverage for employment-related claims
EPLI is included with all TMLT policies and provides coverage for alleged wrongful employment acts, such as :
- violation of any federal, state, local, or common law prohibiting any kind of employment-related discrimination;
- harassment, abusive or hostile work environment;
- wrongful discharge or termination of employment;
- decisions that violate public policy or the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or similar state or local law;
- discrimination (including harassment) or civil rights violation against any non-employee, such as a patient or nurse employed by the hospital;
- misuse of social media, workplace bullying, and improper use of background checks;
- violation of any immigration practices law;
- theft of an employee’s personally identifiable information; and
- expense reimbursement for an employment advisor related to an acquisition; layoff/termination of 20% or more of the workforce; public announcement of harassment by an executive office; or notification that a public interest group is investigating the practice for violations of state or federal employment law. Coverage amount is $5,000.
EPLI coverage is limited to claims brought against you by or on behalf of an employee, a former employee, or by an applicant for employment. EPLI includes EEOC complaint hearings.
Available limits
- $75,000 per claim (including both defense and indemnity payments)
- The yearly aggregate limit is also $75,000.
Higher limits are available upon request.
- There is a $5,000 deductible per insured event.
- 75-day reporting period
Additional resources — EPLI Pro
TMLT policyholders also have access information on employment and HR issues with the online EPLI Pro resource. EPLI Pro includes webinars, training materials, step-by-step procedures for HR tasks, including how to create staff handbooks and policies and procedures.
Locum tenens
Coverage for a substitute physician
Locum tenens provides indemnity and defense coverage to a substitute physician who assumes responsibility for your patients during a scheduled absence.
All TMLT policyholders can request locum tenens coverage for up to 30 days per policy year without an additional premium charge. Coverage for more than 30 days will incur a fee of $500 per day.
Requests for locum tenens coverage require written notice before the scheduled absence, and the substitute physician must submit a locum tenens application.
Premises liability
Coverage for premises injury
All TMLT policies include limited professional premises liability coverage with limits of $200,000 per claim/$200,000 per policy period. Coverage includes compensatory damages for claims arising out of premises injury or damages to any patient that:
- occur during the policy period and within the policy territory;
- are caused by a premises occurrence; and
- arise out of your ownership or leasehold interest in the insured premises.
The coverage only applies to claims by patients, and it does not eliminate the need for a general liability policy for your practice.
Medical director
Protects physicians serving as head of an organized medical staff.
Claims can often arise from administrative decisions or processes that lead to a negative outcome for patients. Medical Director coverage is provided to physicians who also serve in an administrative capacity as head of an organized medical staff.
This coverage is available at a cost of $250 per policy period. Policyholders can opt out of medical director coverage when they renew their policies. Medical director duties may include the following:
- Training and supervising medical staff (both physician and non-physician).
- Drafting and using appropriate policies and procedures.
- Assuring an organization is complying with federal, state, and local laws.
- Medical director services do not include employment-related practices.
Available limits
$100,000, inclusive of the existing limits provided on the declarations page.
Higher limits of $200,000, $500,000, and $1 million are available for purchase
Join the 20,000+ Texas physicians who trust TMLT for their medical liability insurance needs.
Protect your career with the trusted leader in medical liability insurance.