Discounts & Rewards
Explore the rewards and discounts available to TMLT policyholders, designed to help you save while ensuring you receive top-tier coverage.

Policyholder Discounts
Learn all the ways you can save with our policyholder discounts.
Experience Discount
TMLT offers automatic premium discounts to policyholders with favorable claim experience. Discounts range from 2% to 20%, depending on length of time you have been with TMLT.
New-to-Practice Discount
New-to-practice discounts are available to physicians entering practice for the first time upon completion of graduate training, military service, or being in an academic position.
This discount is 40% for the first year in practice and 20% for the second year. Generally, no other discount is given other than CME and practice review in conjunction with this discount.
Part-time Discount
Discounts are based on the number of hours worked per week. Physicians working 15 hours or less may receive up to a 50% discount. Physicians working 16 to 30 hours may receive up to a 25% discount.
Leave of Absence Discounts
- 100% premium reduction for medical leave or military leave
- 75% premium reduction for an underwriting approved leave (for academic or sabbatical purposes)
- 85% premium reduction for maternity or paternity leave up to 12 weeks (longer if medically necessary).
Risk Management Discounts
CME Discount
- Policyholders who complete a qualifying 2-hour CME activity may be eligible for a 3% premium discount applied to their next eligible policy period. Two courses can be taken for the discount, for up to 6% per policy term.
- For new policyholders, a CME discount may be applied retroactively to the inception of the policy, if completed within the first 30 days of the policy effective date.
- We offer in-person seminars, online CME, case study courses, and a 2-hour CME course in our publication, the Reporter. You can also attend seminars that we co-sponsor with the Texas Medical Association.
Practice Review Discount
Policyholders who complete a practice review may be eligible for a 5% premium discount after review recommendations are met. This discount continues through the current policy plus two full policy periods.
For new policyholders, a practice review discount may be applied retroactively to the inception of the policy, if approved in advance and completed within the first 120 days of the policy effective date.
Exclusive Rewards & Dividends for Our Policyholders
Trust Rewards
A loyalty program for policyholders who are committed to quality medicine. Funds are set aside annually for eligible policyholders in their Trust Rewards accounts.
- $245 million allocated to policyholders.
- Funds accumulate and are distributed upon:
- Retirement (after age 50 and 3 years of coverage).
- Death or qualifying disability.
- Distributed as a lump sum and are tax-deferred.
- Statements are accessible through myPortal.
Our dividend program returns a portion of paid premiums back to policyholders.
- $377 million distributed since 2005
- 10% dividend for policies renewing in 2024
Dividends are applied to renewal premiums the year after they are declared.
Trust Rewards Program
Trust Rewards is a financial program designed to reward TMLT policyholders for their loyalty and commitment to quality medicine, with funds distributed at the time of a qualifying event.
How It Works
Texas Medical Liability Trust will establish and fund an account, referred to as the “Trust Rewards Account,” for each qualifying, enrolled individual member physician (“Participant”). Additional contributions can be added to the individual accounts at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. All contributions are tax-deferred until distributed to the enrolled physician. Such contribution will be distributed to the physician upon a qualifying retirement, qualifying disability, or death.
TMLT full-time and part-time physician policyholders who are insured on December 31 of the previous year are eligible. New policyholders are also eligible. Those not eligible are physicians insured on a scheduled physician policy.
The TMLT Board of Trustees will determine funding for the Program on an annual basis. If an amount is allocated to the Program, an individual’s share will be determined using a premium-based formula approved by the board.
Payout and Forfeitures
Participating physicians are eligible for pay out upon their retirement on or after age 50 and 3 years of coverage with TMLT, upon death, or upon a qualifying disability. In all other cases, including non-renewal of the coverage by TMLT, the funds will be forfeited. Request for pay out must be in writing. Pay out will be in the form of a lump sum. Periodic payments or annuities are not permitted under the program. All taxes are the responsibility of the recipient of the funds and will not be withheld by TMLT at the time of the distribution.
The TMLT Trust Rewards Program is a benefit established for the individual insured TMLT physician and is maintained in the physician’s name. If a physician changes groups or starts a solo practice, there is no impact on this Program, as long as the physician maintains medical professional liability coverage with TMLT. Some physicians may prefer that the proceeds from the Trust Rewards Program be paid to a practice group or entity instead of to the individual physician. This is permitted if the physician assigns the balance of the account to the group. However, the group would only receive the funds if the physician retires, passes away, or becomes disabled while employed by, or associated with, the group.
Additional Information
The terms and conditions of the TMLT Trust Rewards Program are governed by the Plan Document adopted by the Board of Trustees of Texas Medical Liability Trust. If any information, comments or statements in this Summary, or in any other document or communication, including press releases, letters and electronic information conflicts with the Plan Document, then the Plan Document shall supersede such information, comments or statements.
Any funds made available for the benefit of the Trust Rewards Accounts shall be unrestricted surplus of TMLT until and unless distributed to the Participant and, as such, remain available to TMLT for the satisfaction of policyholder obligations and general creditors. No Participant shall have any individual claim to any funds made available for the benefit of the Trust Rewards Accounts until and unless such funds are distributed to the Participant.
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